Radio Advertising

Background Research: 
I completed research into radio advertisements to help me achieve the background knowledge that shall then go on to helping me create my own radio advertisement for the Haverhill Weekly Gazette, which has a demographic audience of 19 - 30.
Radio advertising is very effective; by using different stations to attract different listeners. 
Radio listeners pick up the key "touchpoints" when they are listening, when on their school run, on their way to work etc.
Advertising within radio is an important role as it helps fund the radio, the companies that advertise is aimed at their target audience, that is then attracted to their company from the advertisement on the radio.
The BBC radio use the rule three words a second.
In 2005 £18 billion was spent on advertising alone.
What I found out was that each radio advertisement is unique but all have same same qualities. Each radio advertisement ranges in length from 30 to 40 seconds.

Codes and Conventions of Radio:

This is a codes and conventions of radio advertising video that our group created to show the basic necessities that are important within radio advertisements. We have included the definition, what an advertisement is, the codes and conventions of a radio advert and we have included examples of local newspaper advertisements and analysed them - stating the factors that majority advertisements include.

Planning the Radio Advertisement: 

There is a lot of planning that goes into radio advertisers and with my background research I gained the knowledge from all radio advertisements and I could then apply this to the planning of my advertisement for the Haverhill Weekly Gazette. 
I created a mind map on Microsoft Word to note down all the important things that I need to include in my radio advertisement. By using the layout of a mind map I was able to view each individual point and sub-section points that also needed to be included. 
After creating the mind map I printed it off as a guide, then when I come to created a first draft for my radio advertisement I shall tick off, on the mind map, what I have included. I chose a mind map instead of a list because a mind map is more visual and a good for my learning. 

Radio Advertisement Mind Map:

Plan for my Radio Advertisement:

By creating a plan for my radio advertisement I could determine the essentials I needed to include in my drafts, for my radio advertisement for the Haverhill Weekly Gazette, from the mind map.   

First draft of my Radio Advertisement:
When looking back at my background research to see if my radio advertisement included everything, after reading it out loud and timing it I found that my advertisement was not long enough as it was not between 30 - 40 seconds long. I also looked into detail, at other radio advertisements for local newspapers, I then noticed that I did not include a unique selling point (USP) for the Haverhill Weekly Gazette within my advertisement. I therefore went to create a second draft for my local advertisement, still including information from my mind map and plan to make my radio advertisement the best it can be. 

Second draft for my Radio Advertisement:
I decided this is be my final draft. I now shall go into completing drafts of my radio advertisements with different songs on my mind map.

Making of my Radio Advertisement:
After doing drafts I found that Kid Velo - Rival Console was the sound that I was going to use for my radio advertisement, as a group we decided that we were all going to use the same soundtrack to connote our advertisement with this music. It was an upbeat tune that gave the right vibe. Me and another member of my group recorded ourselves doing a draft of how we recorded our radio advertisement to show our audience how it was achieved. While doing this video we were explaining why we were doing it the way we were and what pieces of equipment we were using. So here is our video:

Here is my final radio advertisement:

After multiple drafts of the Haverhill Weekly Gazette radio advertisement I have decided for this one to be my final outcome. From each draft and mistake I made I was able to learn of what to do next time. For example, I found it quite challenging to say the whole script within the amount of time the music was playing, for the first time. Yet from this I was able to rehearse at the pace I was talking. When I was able to say it in the right amount of time, I made a few mistakes on not reading the script correctly but once I got the hang of reading it in time to the music I was able to record my final draft for my radio advertisement.