Thursday 6 October 2011

Planning for the front cover: Creating a name of my local newspaper.

When creating the name of the local newspaper we had to work as a group and agree on something we thought was the most suitable. We found the key thing with deciding on the name of the local newspaper was noting down a variety of names and then choosing the one that will suit our newspaper the best.
I also researched, online, the names of local newspapers to set me in the right direction. From my research I found out that each weekly local newspaper included 'weekly' in their masthead to indicate to the readers that it is a weekly local newspaper. I also found out that each local newspaper included the name of their town/village/city and this tended to be at the beginning of the masthead.
Here are some of the ideas we came up with:
Haverhill Weekly Sunday,
Haverhill Weekly Times,
Haverhill Weekly Deliver,
Haverhill Weekly Journal,
Haverhill Weekly Gazette,
Haverhill Weekly Telegraph,
Haverhill Weekly Express,
Haverhill Weekly Press.

From all of this choices we came down to three choices, which were: 'Haverhill Weekly Journal, 'Haverhill Weekly Gazette' and 'Haverhill Weekly Press'. After trying out the each masthead on our layouts we came to a decision to use 'Haverhill Weekly Gazette'.

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