Tuesday 27 September 2011

Results on my target audience.

After doing a small survey, in my local high street, I was able to ask a range of ages if they read their local newspaper. I was able to ask a total of 25 people. As it was a small survey I was just recording my answers in a tally.
My survey consisted of the questions:
- Do you read your local newspaper?
(If they answered yes I would then go on to ask...)
Are you more likely to read Haverhill Weekly News (free local newspaper) or Haverhill Echo(paid local newspaper)?
I thought it was too personal and many people may get offended if I was to ask their age, therefore I had estimate their age. I created a tick box system that had the ages of: 18 and under, 19 - 30, 31 - 40, 41 - 50 and 51+.
I had asked a range of people, of different ages, due to my tally showing me that I had ticked a minimum of 2 people in each age box.
My results show me that the ages 19 - 30 read there local newspaper more than any other age. Therefore I know know that my intended audience is 19 - 30 and I shall try to make my local newspaper appeal to this age group.

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